April 15, 2014

Share the Love

It is a good indication of how busy these last few weeks have been, that I am only just posting this great news: my little bookandbliss project is getting off the ground, I love writing about these books, and the blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award :) Not once . . . not twice . . . but THREE times by fellow bloggers who I am happy to get to know! A huge thanks to Mrs. S at The Organized Plan Book, Mrs. Smith at Performing in Fifth, and Susan at Lopez Land Learners.

Basic info about the Liebster Award (aka The Rules):
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about myself
5. Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them

The following 11 questions are a mix of the questions asked by Mrs. S, Mrs. Smith, and Susan (it’s an S fiesta!)

1. What is your favorite children's literature book to read aloud?
Only one? How can I possibly choose? There are so many that I adore. Currently I am reading the BFG (one of my all time favorites). I love to start out the year with either Matilda (instilling a love of books and knowledge, and a little mischief) or The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (because every year is a new journey).

2. How many students are in your class? What do you think would be the best class size to have?
I am very lucky to teach in a Dual Immersion Public School, which means that I teach language arts to 2 classes for a half day each (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). They spend the other half of the day with their Chinese teacher. I love getting to focus on writing and English, while still teaching some math review concepts. I have 20 in one class and 24 in the other (which is the lowest class size I’ve had—it’s great!) I think the best class size would be 18 or 20, because it is enough to have a strong class dynamic, but still be able to give individualized attention.

3. How do you de-stress from an exhausting day at the "office"?
Netflix. Yoga. Chocolate. Sleeping.

4. If you could teach any subject all day long, what would it be?
Language Arts! I am so lucky that I get to teach so much of it!

5. What is the one country you would like to visit?
I would LOVE to go back to Australia, to visit dear friends as well as enjoy the culture. It is one of my favorite places.

6. What is one supply in your class you just can't get enough of?
PENCILS. I think my students eat them whole. I have put hundreds of them into our pencil bin, and there are only 2 left!

7. How long have you been teaching? Do you imagine retiring as a teacher?
This is my 4th year of teaching. I spent one year in 2nd grade and the rest in 3rd, which I love. If there is one thing I know about plans, it’s that they CHANGE, however, I plan to teach until my husband and I are blessed with kids and then I will be their teacher.

8. What is your favorite store or website to shop for school related items?
TpT has always been my go-to place for lesson plans, especially for math concepts that I don’t feel as strong in. It is nice that other teachers’ strengths can fill in the gaps for me!

9. What is your favorite part of your classroom?
The classroom library for sure! I love my books (over 1100 of them, and still colleting).

10. What is the best piece of advice you would offer to newbie teachers?
My best advice is to go home at the end of the day and leave work at work. That is HARD to do, but it makes life much more balanced. If you are healthy and happy, your students benefit from it.

11. If you could meet anyone for a day, who would it be?
I would love to hang out with Julie Andrews. So elegant!

11 Facts About Me
  1. I have a stash of chocolate and Starbursts in my desk drawer.
2. Mornings are hard.
3. I absolutely love the first few days of spring.
4. My favorite water bottle is the glass Voss bottles . . . 1.5 pints  . . . refilled with tap water J Gotta stay hydrated!
5. I still hate driving next to semi trucks on the highway.
6. My degree is in Elementary Education . . .
7. AND I also took enough English classes (favorite!) to get an English minor as well.
8. Calvin and Hobbes taught me how to read. And my mom. She should get credit too.
9. My car is sunshine yellow (I was living in the cold heart of winter when I chose it).
10. I am the oldest of 5 siblings.
11. Counting down the days until Downton Abbey Season 5 . . .

Questions for my nominees to answer:
1. What is your favorite children's literature book to read aloud?
2. How many students are in your class? What do you think would be the best class size to have?
3. How do you de-stress from an exhausting day at the "office"?
4. If you could teach any subject all day long, what would it be?
5. What is the one country you would like to visit?
6. What is one supply in your class you just can't get enough of?
7. How long have you been teaching? Do you imagine retiring as a teacher?
8. What is your favorite store or website to shop for school related items?
9. What is your favorite part of your classroom?
10. What is the best piece of advice you would offer to newbie teachers?
11. If you could meet anyone for a day, who would it be?

Drumroll please! My nominees are:

Diane has lots of great ideas for teachers to try in their classrooms! Her posts are very visual and her ideas are fabulous.  After reading her blog, I want to try them all with my own students. :)

Shannon is a 4th grade teacher with a engaging writing style. You’ll love reading about her class!

Jessicca is a 3rd grade teacher—just like me! Her post about growing plants in the classroom is a must-read.

Sara is an experienced teacher with so many great classroom ideas. Her blog also has freebies section that I could spend hours in!

Natalie has a lot of experience teaching, and you’ll love her differentiation-based approach. Great blog!

Thanks and much love!

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